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Local Development

Thank you for your interest in developing on typescript-eslint! ❤️‍🔥

See Contributing and Issues for details on our general contribution flows.


After forking the repo from GitHub and installing Yarn:

git clone<your-name-here>/typescript-eslint
cd typescript-eslint

You can see which version of yarn we use by checking the packageManager field in the root package.json.

Postinstall scripts will then fully build your repository locally with (yarn build). At this point, you're ready to develop! 🚀


You can run yarn build in the root to build all packages, or in any package to build just that package.

Keep in mind that packages generally depend on each other's built outputs, and you'll need to yarn build dependents for their consumers to receive any new local changes. For example, if you make a change within scope-manager and want to use it in eslint-plugin, you'll need to yarn build either from the root or within packages/scope-manager.

Validating Changes

The following checks are all run on pull requests automatically. You can also perform them locally.

See Contributing > Pull Requests for more information on pull requests.


We use Prettier to auto-format code. A Git pre-commit hook should apply it to all committed changes. Alternately, you can run yarn format in any package or in the root.


All code changes must pass ESLint. You can run yarn lint in any package or in the root.


Changes must pass two linters for documentation and naming, the commands for which may be run from the root:

  • yarn check-spelling: CSpell, for all code
  • yarn lint-markdown: Markdownlint, for Markdown documentation


All code changes should ideally be unit tested if possible. You can run yarn test in any package to run its tests.

VS Code launch tasks tasks are provided that allow visual debugging tests.

Type Checking

All code should pass TypeScript type checking. You can run yarn typecheck in any package or in the root to run tsc.

Run yarn typecheck -w to start tsc in watch mode.

Rule Development

Some portions of this repository are generated by manually running scripts that read from rule files. If you modify rules, you may need to run either or both of:

  • yarn generate-configs from root: to regenerate shared configs
  • yarn test docs -u from packages/eslint-plugin: to regenerate snapshots based on rule docs and options

Website Development

Our interactive documentation website is built with Docusaurus. Running yarn start from either the root or packages/website will start a local dev server on localhost:3000.

The website package relies on other packages being built. We recommend running yarn build from the root before yarn start.